Trump is more or less dominating the news in the USA and basically the whole world.
We did some research using Google Trends to see how popular Trump still really is. We used ‘popular‘ but you could also use ‘infamous‘, it probably depends on the way you would like to interpret the research.
For all the maps below we set the data range on the last 30 days.
Trump vs Domino’s Pizza
Definitely a winner for Trump! He is more popular than Domino’s Pizza except in Mississippi.. these guys must love pizza.
Trump vs American Football
Another score for Trump but not in all states. Especially in Alabama they couldn’t care less about Trump.
Trump vs Basketball
Also basketball is not beating Trump. Interesting to see that Mississippi is really not that into Trump or they simply love pizza and basketball.
Trump vs Beyoncé
Not a chance. Trump easily beats Beyoncé in search popularity.
Trump vs Ford Mustang
Trump is even more more popular than a sports car.
Trump vs Mexico
The border states between the USA and Mexico are more interested in Mexico than Trump. However, Trump still beats Mexico in search popularity.
Trump vs Apple
This is interesting! Apple wins in search popularity, although it’s a close call. They are more or less taking turns.
Trump vs Porn
Finally, this is what it takes. Especially during the weekends there is no way Trump can beat porn.