Watch European Borders Change From 400BC to 2018 (Timelapse Map)
It is truly amazing to see how Europe’s border changed over a periode of 2418 years. All big empires in Europe rise and fall. The...
It is truly amazing to see how Europe’s border changed over a periode of 2418 years. All big empires in Europe rise and fall. The...
This Map Shows How European Borders Changed Since 1914 Europe has been the center of change and modernization of the entire world for many centuries....
The United States of America has been on the road to becoming a global superpower since their independence in the 18th century and today is...
Who Were They? Vikings, the battle loving, hard-drinking, beard daddies. That’s the first impression most people get when they hear the name Vikings. However, in...
This map shows Google’s autocomplete-descriptions for the search query “Why is [country] so…”. The result is translated back to English. Why is [country] so… Norway:...
Since the dawn of humankind, people have been shifting from place to place, discovering new territories and colonizing new regions. Even though great civilizations were...
How Snapchat Changed Social Media Ever since its introduction to the global media platform in 2011, Snapchat has made it easy and enjoyable for its...
Today, perhaps the most mistaken and confusing country name would be England, or Great Britain, or Britain, or is it United Kingdom? Wait, did I...
The highest-paid CEOs from these 46 states earned 3.2 billion dollars in 2018. According to statistics, the median salary paid to the CEOs of S&P...
2016 Presidential Election Results Donald J. Trump vs. Hillary Clinton This is perhaps the most controversial and anticipated election in American history, and also the...