Population Growth By Continent From 2000 to 2018

Population Growth By Continent From 2000 to 2018
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Today, humans almost inhabit every continent on the planet, though there are no major human settlements in Antarctica and North pole, a minor number of people live there as well. “Homo Sapiens” or the Modern Human, is the first species since the beginning of life on Earth to colonize the entire planet geographically, and the population is ever more increasing.

Global Population reached 1 billion in 1800 AD, and it took 200,000 years to that. As of April 2019, the world population is a striking 7.7 billion and it took only 200 years to increase by 6 billion more. Worldometers estimated that the world population will grow to 8.5 billion in 2030 and to 9.7 billion in 2050.

World Population Growth By Continent From 2000 To 2018

The following are the continents by population, ranked from highest to lowest. And the percentage of growth since 2000.

Source: Wikipedia and Un.org

Top 5 Most Populous Countries

  1. China (1.42 billion)
  2. India (1.37 billion)
  3. United States (329 million)
  4. Indonesia (269 million)
  5. Brazil (212 million)

Population Growth In Asia

The population of Asia has increased by nearly 23% in only 18 years.

The most populous 2 nations in the world are in Asia:

  1. China (1.4 billion)
  2. India (1.7 billion)

That’s nearly 38% out of the global population.

The most populous metropolitan area in Asia is the Tokyo Metropolis, with a population of 35 million people. There are 31 cities with a population of more than 10 million in Asia. Globally there are only 47 cities with more than 10 million citizens.

India is the Largest Democratic Nation in the World! While China is the Largest Communist state in the World! India is expected to surpass China’s population by 2027.

Fact: Genghis Khan’s war campaigns in the 13th century cost more than 40 million lives in Asia

Population Growth In Africa

The population of Africa has increased by 49% in 18 years. Africa’s average annual population growth is higher than 3%.

The most populous city in Africa is the City of Kinshasa In the Democratic Republic of Congo with a population of 11,462,000.

See also: The True Size Of Africa

Population Growth In Europe

The population in Europe is dwindling and the projections expect it to shrink during this century. Its current population of 739 million people will roughly drop to around 630 million. Also, Europe’s growth rate is close to zero.  During the past 18 years, the total population has grown only by 2%. The lowest growth in any region.

The most populous city in Europe is London, which is also the Financial Capital of Europe, with a population that exceeds 8 million people.

Fact: Londonium was an ancient establishment of the Roman Empire before it became “London”.

Fact: In Europe, the 1st World War caused more than 8 million people and the 2nd World War cost more than 60 million lives.

Population Growth In North America

The continent of North America is the 4th most populous continent on the planet and home to 3 of the largest countries in the world and two of the most populous. From the year 2000 to the year 2018, the population has increased by approximately 18%.

The USA is the most populous nation in this region with a population of 330 million while Mexico comes second with nearly 110 million people. The most populous city in the region is New York. With a population of 8.4 million people. However, the average population growth in the region is between 1% and 2%.

Population Growth In South America

South America saw an increase of around 21% in its total population since the year 2000, which is roughly an increase of about 70 million people. The most populous state in the region is Brazil, with 212 million people and its capital, Sao Paulo is the most populous city with a population that exceeds 21 million. Its current population growing percentage is 1%.

Fact: Hernando Cortez, the conqueror of Aztecs in South America, caused the death of many indigenous people. Aztec empires population was nearly 25 million, and after the conquest, only a handful of Aztecs survived.

Population Growth In Oceania

Oceania is the least populated continent with only 38 million inhabitants and the most populous nation in Oceania is Australia with 24 million people. However, the region has a steady growth of 23% since the year 2000. And even today, the growth rate is approximately 1% in the region.

Aftermath Of Increased Population And The Effect Of Over-Population

Although the global population has decreased to less than 2% per year, the overall population is growing and at present, it has posed major issues in areas such as,

  • The growing population will certainly face resource scarcity problems in the future, especially in energy and food supplies.
  • Environmental Impacts: as the population grows, more land is required for them to settle and more industrialization is required to meet their demands. Urbanization and industrialization eventually lead to deforestation and through that loss of biodiversity, increase in green-gas emission and much more environmental cataclysms.
  • Loss of Standard of Living: as the population upsurge, so will be the costs of welfare, maintenance, upkeep, security, government infrastructure investments, and many more related costs. This burden will eventually fall upon the citizens of the same nation and as an indirect result, the standard of living of households will decrease.

Some estimates suggest that around 110 Billion has lived on Earth since the dawn of modern humans.

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